Dissertations from 2018
Effective Teaching and Behavioral Strategies Used by Exemplary Non-Public Alternative Education Schools, Alana Maxine Hughes
Exemplary California School District Superintendents Leading the Social Media Charge, Jamie Hughes
The Use of Student Feedback in Teacher Development, Lawrence Jarocki
Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Best Practices for Classroom Management, Juanita E. Kelley
Sustaining a Career in Community and Technical College Leadership by Coping with Job Stress Through Emotional Intelligence, Claire Korschinowski
Examining the Factors that Impact Adjunct Faculty Retention in Private Nonprofit Universities, Kara Kuvakas
Community College Presidents and the Role of Conversational Leadership, Jennifer K. LaBounty
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Affective Behavior on Paramedic Student Field Internship Success, Jim Lambert
The Impact of Proactive Community Circles on Student Academic Achievement and Student Behavior in an Elementary Setting, Michele Lenertz
Female Athletic Directors in California: Attaining and Retaining the Position of Athletic Director, Katherine Levensailor
Understanding and Describing the Impact of Self-Concept on Weight Loss as Perceived by African American Women, Tchicaya Missamou
Nonprofit Supervisors' and Teachers' Persectives on the Benefits and Importance of Reflective Supervision, Venus Mixson
The Human Dynamics Needed in the Change Process for Transformational Implementation of Educational Reform: Common Core State Standards, Daisy Morales
Why Parents in San Bernardino Choose Public Charter Schools Over Traditional Public Schools, Robert Moss
A Correlation Study of Perceived Servant Leadership Practices and Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in a Military Foreign Language Center, Saliha Murtic
An Analysis of the Strengths-Based Leadership Approaches of Highly Successful Athletic Directors in the California Community Colleges, Rory Natividad
Conversational Leadership: A Leadership Approach for Nonprofit Executive Directors, Qiana O'Leary
The Role of Conversation in How Educational Services Assistant Superintendents Lead Change, Lisa Paisley
The Predictors of Juvenile Recidivism: Testimonies of Adult Students 18 Years and Older Exiting From Alternative Education, La Toshia Palmer
Merger and Acquisition Integration: Exploring Uncertainty from the Perspective of the Middle Manager, Joseph J. Pazmany
Latino Students’ Stories of Advanced Placement Success: A Critical Case Study, Marcie S. Plummer
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy: A Transformational Path to Emotional Wellness for U.S. Military Veterans, Cathy Powalski
Living The Dream: The Stories of Female Foster Youth Alumni with Graduate Degrees, Deshunna Ricks
Impact of Child and Family Teaming in a Child Welfare Agency, Madeline Roachell
Military Leaders’ Perceived Importance of Emotional Intelligence Characteristics When Leading Organizational Change, Wayne Roseberry
Exemplary City Managers Leading Through Conversation, Nikki Marie Salas
The Unsung Heroes and Silent Partners of the Educational World, Gillian Schneider
Perceptions of Teachers Regarding Development of Positive Student-Teacher Relationships in Exemplar Schools Using CSTPs, Sneha Sharma
Teachers' Perceptions of Homework's Effects on English Learners, Peggy Smith
Women in Leadership, in a Male-Dominated Field, Specifically the California Highway Patrol, Carla Tweed
Rocky Journey Toward Effective LGBT Leadership: A Qualitative Case Study Research of the Perceptions of Openly Gay Male Leaders in High-Level Leadership Positions, Javier Valdovinos
Non-Cognitive Skills and School Culture: A Qualitative Analysis, Michael Vallejo
Identifying and Addressing the Educational Needs of Primary Elementary Latino Males, Sandra Vilas
Culture, Leadership, and Organizational Learning in California Community Colleges: Exploring the Potential for Second Order Change, Catherine Ellen Webb
Exploring the Quality of the Leader-Follower Relationship and Its Effect on Followers’ Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in a Public-Service Organization, Kristina Zaragoza
Toward an Emerging Theory of Leadership Competencies for Early Care and Education Systems Leaders, Julianne Zvalo-Martyn
Dissertations from 2017
Supporting a Growth Mindset in High School Classroom Teachers, Peter Abboud
Monterey Military-Civil Cooperation: A Case Study on Successful Community Defense Against BRAC, Mowafiq W. Alanazi
Meaning Makers: A Mixed-Method Case Study of Exemplary University Presidents and the Behaviors They Use to Create Personal and Organizational Meaning, Barbara E. Bartels
The Untold Stories of Former Teen Mothers Who Have Achieved a Master’s Degree or Higher, Tanya M. Benitez
Community College Student Perceptions of University Transfer Barriers, Rick H. Boone
The Role of Communication in Strategic Planning at California Community Colleges, Linda M. Carvalho Cooley
Online Formative Assessments as Valid Correlates of Foreign Language Proficiency Levels as Measured by ILR/DLPT5 Summative Tests, Alma Castro-Peet
Power, Conflict, and the Role of Human Resources in Mitigating Employment Claims, Kim-Khue Chieffo
Perceptions of Restorative Justice in Urban High Schools, Kathy Crowe
Job Retention and Job Satisfaction at the Behavior Therapist Level Working in ABA Companies in the Home Setting, Melissa M. Dauster
What’s In It For Me? The Impact to Social Exchange Dynamics of Hispanic Males Serving as Mentors in Formal Youth Programs, Annica Meza Dawe
Transforming Conflict: A Grounded Theory Study of Six Behavior Domains of Leaders in Five Different Fields, Scott A. Dick
Exemplary Nonprofit Leaders and the Behaviors They Use to Create Personal and Organizational Meaning, Candice Flint
Impact of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in California Middle Schools: Year Three and Beyond, Jeffrey Franks
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Leadership of Public School Superintendents, Antoinette Fulcher Gutierrez
Exploring the Posttraumatic Growth Experiences of Individuals Bereaved After a Loved One Dies by Suicide, Pamela Gabbay Roethel
The Impact of Male Gender Dissonance on Women’s Potential Eligibility for Advancement to the Position of Community College Chief Executive Officer, Sam Garzaniti II
California Community College Administrators' Use of Predictive Modeling to Improve Student Course Completions, Rita Grogan
Factors Affecting Mental Health Seeking Behaviors of Law Enforcement Officers, Vincent M. Haecker
Exemplary K-12 Superintendents and the Behaviors They Use to Create Personal and Organizational Meaning, Frances E. Hansell
Exploring the Motivations That Influence First-Generation Latino Immigrant Students to Seek a College Education, Maricela Hernandez
Exemplary Leadership: A Mixed-Methods Case Study Discovering How Female Chief Executive Officers Create Meaning, Stephanie A. Herrera
California’s Local Control Funding Formula and the Local Control and Accountability Plan’s Principally Directed Mandate, David L. Howland Dr
Meaning-Centered Leadership: How Exemplary Technology Leaders Create Organizational Meaning, Ed Jackson
Factors that Build and Sustain a Relationship of Trust between School District Superintendents and Principals, Donna Kellogg
PLTW Female High-School Students' Supports and Barriers in Choosing a College Degree, Lisa Lubin Rubin
The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Collegiate Preparedness, Tanya T. MacMartin
Competencies for Competency Based Higher Education: A Delphi Study, Cathryn Grammer Margolin
Impacting Learning for 21st Century Students: A Phenomenological Study of Higher Education Faculty Utilizing a Service Learning Approach, Christina D. Marshall
The Leadership Behaviors of a Successful NCAA Division I Water Polo Coach: A Phenomenological Study, Scott T. McCall
The Effects Classroom Experiences and Student Conduct Have on a Teacher's Self-Efficacy in Schools With Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Lorena G. Medina
Academic Advising and Gender Communication, Sean Nemeth
Counseling Faculty Perceptions of Challenges and Benefits of Online College Success Courses in California Community Colleges, LaTonya Parker
A Mixed-Methods Study: Self-Efficacy and Barriers to Participation in Workplace Wellness Programs, Massiel Perez-Calhoon
Stress and the Female Superintendent: Contributing Factors and Stress Management Strategies from the voices of California Female Superintendents, Monica Peterson
Barriers to Reducing the Digital-Use Divide as Perceived by Middle School Principals, Robert E. Presby
A Mixed-Methods Study Into the Meaning-Making Leadership Behaviors of Exemplary Chief Executive Officers, Sherri L. Prosser
An Exploration of African American Male Community College Students' Experiences Impacting Higher Education Matriculation, Majeedah Rahman
The Lived Experiences of Asian Americans Who Became Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of California Community Colleges, Eric Ramones