Date of Award

Winter 1-5-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Douglas DeVore

Second Advisor

Julie Hadden

Third Advisor

Martinrex Kedziora


Purpose. It was the purpose of this study to explore and describe how principals of elementary, middle, and high schools for Native American students in Washington State perceived the impact of servant leadership constructs developed by Patterson (2003) on establishing a culture of high performance.

Methodology. This qualitative phenomenological study was chosen due to the research question asking what is the impact of Patterson’s (2003) seven servant leadership constructs on establishing a culture of high performance as perceived by principals of Native American schools. A total of eight principals of Native American schools were interviewed and asked a series of questions about their lived experiences and their beliefs or perceptions of the impact the constructs had on establishing a culture of high performance.

Findings. It was discovered through the 15 themes and 247 references identified by the participants, the seven servant leadership constructs of agapao love, humility, altruism, vision, trust, empowerment, and service all helped to establish a culture of high performance.

Conclusions. There were five conclusions drawn from the findings and data that described the perceived impact of the seven servant leadership constructs for establishing a culture of high performance from principals of Native American schools. Principals of Native American schools that establish a culture of high performance demonstrated the following (a) doing what is in the best interest of teachers, support staff, and students; (b) selfless service; (c) having a student-centered focus; (d) being a purpose-driven decision maker; and (e) operating within a sacred hoop of the constructs.

Recommendations for Action. The researcher recommends this phenomenological study be conducted with Bureau of Indian Education schools only and be replicated with principals of schools with a majority of African American students. Another recommendation is to conduct a mixed-methods study with Native American schools located only on Indian Reservations and a meta-analysis of the servant leadership dissertations. Lastly, a study on the single servant leadership construct agapao love in Native American schools is suggested.
