Dissertations from 2019
Political Styles and Strategies Used by Exemplary Suburban Unified District Superintendents With Board Members: A Mixed Methods Study, Tammy Blakely
How are Districts Using the Local Control Funding Formula to Close the Achievement Gap, Jacob Briggs
Factors Considered by Special Education Case Managers When Making a Decision to Mainstream Emotionally Disturbed Students from a Self-Contained Classroom to General Education Classes, Pamela Butler-Harris
Strengthening Teacher-Student Relationships: Identifying Strategies From Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools, Allison Cano
Conversational Leadership Behaviors of Exemplary Unified School District Superintendents, Jacqueline A. Cardenas
A Qualitative Study Exploring the Influence of Low-Income Parental Engagement on Academic Achievement, Deborah Cardin
How Exemplary Rural Superintendents Build Trust With and Between School Board Members, Edwin Cora
Examining the Effects of Brain Education on Employee Stress Management, Work Performance, Relationships, and Well-being, Ericka Crawford
Leadership Storytelling: How elementary school principals use storytelling to lead and make transformational change, Nicholas Damico
How Professional Physical Therapist Education Programs Develop Cultural Competence Within Their Students: An Exploratory Concurrent Mixed Methods Study, Dustin E. Domingo
A Mixed-Methods Study of How Elementary Principals Build Trust With Staff Using Weisman’s Five Domains of Trust Model, Diana Escalante
How Exemplary Regional Occupational Centers and Programs Superintendents Build Trust With and Between School Board Members, Theresa M. Giamarino
Factors of Women-Founded High-Growth Technology Startup, Renee Gillard
Best Practices for Addressing the Achievement Gap for Hispanic Elementary Students, Megan C. Greene
Exploring the Perceptions of Teachers and Principals on Parent Involvement in County Community School Students’ Academic Achievement, Sandra Luz Hernandez-Monreal
Student Perceptions of Dual Enrollment Participation, Susan Hochstrat
Culturally Responsive School Leadership: How Principals Use Culturally Responsive Leadership Strategies to Develop Engaging and Inclusive School Environments for All Students, Cherilynne Hollowell
The Training of Elementary Assistant Principals, Nailya Jarocki
Qualitative Study: Flexible Seating in Elementary School Classrooms, Sandeep Jaspal
Exploring Workplace Spirituality and the Benefit it has on Teams, Tracey Kimberly Johnson
Becoming Leaders: A Phenomenological Study of How Mid-Level Leaders in Christian Universities Develop Leadership Skills, Joy Karavedas
Exemplary Chief Nurse Executives Leading Through Storytelling, Tricia Kassab
Experienced Engagement in Appreciative Advising of Adjunct Professors in Community College Education, Margaret Kenrick
Crisis Leadership and Management of Superintendents During the 2017-18 California Wildfires, Dianna Kitamura
The Resiliency of Veteran Preschool Special Education Teachers, Monisola Komolafe
The Muzzling of the Sheepdog: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of the Impacts of Media Reporting on Police Officer Performance, Christopher Landavazo
Exploring how Philippine American Nonprofit Leaders Build Trust with their Staff and Volunteers, Dominic Fernando Laureano
Exploring the Perceptions of Leaders in Investor-Owned Utilities in California on Managing Organizational Change Initiatives, Maria Liza Legaspi
Using Lifestyle Educational Intervention to Decrease Blood Pressure Reading Amongst African American Adults, Catherine Madu
Impact of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in California High Schools Year Three and Beyond: A Semi-Replicated Mixed-Methods Study, Jolene McGarrah
The Impact of Male Gender Dissonance on Women’s Potential Eligibility for Advancement to K-12 Public School Superintendent, Mona Lee Montgomery
The Challenges Navy and Marine Corps Veterans Face While Seeking Civilian Employment in San Diego County, California, Absalom Morris
Leadership in Corrections: An Examination of Leadership in California Prisons, Julia Ann Munoz
Leadership Trust: A Phenomenological Study of How Major Superiors of Catholic Women Religious Institutes Build Trust With Professed Members, Mary Amanda Nwagbo
Meaning Makers: A Mixed-Method Case Study of Exemplary Small Business Owner Leaders and the Strategies they Use to Create Personal and Organizational Meaning, Margaret S. Ohlhaver
Activities Used and Barriers Encountered by Exemplary California School District Executive-Level Teams, Sandra Pearson Edwards
The Pathways Taken by Former Hispanic or Latin Teenage Mothers that Achieved a Master's Degree or Higher, Esmeralda Rodriguez-Chalfant
A Mixed-Methods Study of How Middle School Principals Build Trust with Staff using Weisman’s Five Domains of Trust Model, Wendy Ryerson
The Effects of Service-Learning on Middle School Students’ Personal Growth, Social Growth, and Citizenship, Kae C. Saelee-Hiraoka
How Exemplary Suburban Superintendents Build Trust With and Between School Board Members, Daniel Scudero
Exemplary Human Resources Administrators Leading Through Storytelling, Colleen Slattery
A Mixed-Methods Study of How Elementary Principals Build Trust With Staff Using Weisman's Five Domains of Trust Model, Cynthia Smith-Ough
Strategies Exemplary Unified School District Superintendents Use to Work With the Political Styles of School Board Members, Bradley Tooker
Strategies Exemplary High School District Superintendents Use to Work with the Political Styles of School Board Members, Jeffrey Tooker
Identifying the Leadership Skills Needed to Develop the Competencies to Lead in a Postcrisis Organization: A Delphi Study, Paul Turgeon
Academic Achievement and Participation in Out-of-School Educational Robotics Competitions for High School Latino/a Students in Southern California, Jesus Ulloa-Higuera
Exemplary Leadership: A Mixed-Methods Case Study Discovering How Special Education Administrators Create Meaning, Julia VanderVennet
Educator Knowledge and Usage of Evidence-based Interventions for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Special Education Programs Across California, Thelmisha Vincent
Community College Library Personnel Value Conflicts with Library Services that Target and Track Segments of Student Populations, Alicia Virtue
Strategies Exemplary Female Superintendents Use to Work with the Political Styles of School Board Members, Leisa Winston
Leading With Trust: A Phenomenological Study of the Strategies Leaders in Certified B Corporations Use to Build Trust With Their Employees, Victoria Wodarczyk
How Exemplary Urban Superintendents Build Trust With and Between School Board Members, Damon J. Wright
Dissertations from 2018
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Educated Women who Opted Back Into the Workforce After Working as a Stay at Home Mother: A Phenomenological Study, Gina Albertini-Bennett Ed.D.
A Study of the Global Job Satisfaction and Motivators of Job Satisfaction Among Long-Tenured Protestant Pastors in Southern California, Ron Armstrong
A Case Study of Strategic Governance in the Implementation of Guided Pathways at Scale at California Community Colleges, Hayley Ashby
Exemplary Middle School Principals Leading through Conversation, John Ashby
Technology Integration: A Mixed Methods Study of Best Practices of Technology Integration as Perceived by Expert Middle School Teachers, Carliza Bataller
Advancing Faculty Adoption of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education: A Delphi Study, Stephanie Brasley
Developing Social and Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Instruction: A Delphi Study, Tess Breen
Conversational Leadership: A Phenomenological Study of Exemplary Elementary Superintendents and the Behaviors They Practice in Leading Their Organizations, Kristin Brogan-Baranski
Best Practices in 21st Century Learning Environments: A Study of Two P21 Exemplar Schools, Susan Brown
The Conversational Leadership of Regional Directors of Migrant Education, Tammie Castillo-Shiffer
The Road Less Traveled: How Asian Cultural Values Impact the Career Choice Tendencies of Asian American K-12 Principals, Melissa Chan-Nauli
The Effects Music and Arts Programs Have on ADD/ADHD Students' Behavior and Academic Performance, Shani Cigarroa
An Examination of California Home-based Early Childhood Educators’ Self-Determination to Attain a Higher Education Degree, Shirley Collins
Factors Associated with Attracting and Retaining Church Membership: A Phenomenological Study, Anderson Corley
Discovering the Best Practices for Design and Development of High School Online Physical Education: A Phenomenological Study, Marie Crosby
Leader Impact on Vision/Mission, Patricia Davis
Transition from Military Service to Entrepreneurship: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Hispanic Veterans, Manuel De La Torre
A Look at Emotional Intelligence: A Qualitative Study of Peer Mentorship Via Circle of Friends, Christopher De Loach
Self-Efficacy of Early Childhood Teachers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Ariella Rachel Donnelley Smith
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports in Transitional Kindergarten through Second Grade Classrooms: Year three and beyond, Anne Driscoll-Mink
Career Coaching: A Study of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Leaders', Jerelyn Dugas
Best Practices for the Development of English Language in Rural Elementary Schools in Prevention of Long Term English Learners, Heather Christine Gomez
An Exploration of the Perceptions of Teachers and Administrators on the Relationship Between Professional Learning Community Practices and School Success, Lawrence L. Haggquist
A Quantitative Correlational Study between Transformational Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction among California Card Room Casino Employees, Lydell H. Hall
The Impact of Male Gender Dissonance on Women’s Potential Eligibility for Advancement to the Position of High School Principal, Kristen Lee Harris