Date of Award
Fall 10-28-2021
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Organizational Leadership
First Advisor
Dr. Jeffrey Lee
Second Advisor
Dr. George Giokaris
Third Advisor
Dr. Len Hightower
Purpose: The purpose of this phenomenological study is to use Activity Theory to identify and describe the personal and academic supports of multilingual doctoral alumni at a private, non-profit university in California.
Methodology: This study was a phenomenological study that identified and described the lived experiences of 15 multilingual alumni that completed a doctorate program at a private, non-profit university. Participants were selected using criterion sampling. Data was collected, analyzed, and triangulated between interview data and artifacts. Data was then coded, themed, and organized with reference to Activity Theory.
Findings: Examination of the data found that multilingual alumni from a doctoral program experienced four personal supports, three personal barriers, three academic supports, and two academic barriers. Activity Theory was used to codify themes into four categories. Tools represented the most significant support that alumni leveraged. Rules and tools presented the most significant barriers for alumni. There were also three unexpected barriers that were identified.
Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, 13 conclusions were identified that offer insight into the barriers and supports those nonnative English-speaking alumni experienced in a doctoral program at a private, non-profit university. Conclusions demonstrate that students require increased flexibility and empathy from members of personal and academic support networks. Additionally, 14 implications for action were identified.
Recommendations: 9 recommendations for further research were identified. Further research should be conducted to expand on the findings from this study. The barriers and supports that permeate throughout nonnative English speakers’ personal and academic communities may also be present in the experiences of other demographics. The findings from this study reveal the interrelated network of challenges and supports that exist for multilingual students, so future studies are needed to further define these phenomena.
Recommended Citation
Pervez, John, "A Glimpse into the Multilingual Experience: A Phenomenological Study on How Nonnative English-Speaking Students Leverage Personal and Academic Support in Completing the Doctoral Journey" (2021). Dissertations. 408.
Included in
Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Higher Education Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Other Education Commons