Date of Award

Winter 12-17-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Cindy Petersen

Second Advisor

Keith Larick

Third Advisor

Marylou K. Wilson


Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to identify and describe strategies exemplary urban unified district superintendents used to lead in crisis using the five critical tasks of strategic crisis leadership (sense making, decision making and coordination, meaning making, accounting, and learning) during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it was the purpose to understand and describe the experiences of exemplary leaders during a time of crisis.

Methodology: In this qualitative multiple case study, interviews were used to secure data from exemplary urban unified district superintendents to identify and describe the strategies they used to lead during the COVID-19 global health crisis.

Findings: Exemplary urban unified district superintendents interviewed for this research described the importance of communication, collaboration, self-reflection, strategic crisis leadership and management related to the five critical tasks, sense making, decision making and coordination, meaning making, accounting, and learning.

Conclusions: By identifying and describing strategies exemplary urban unified district superintendents used to lead during the COVID-19 health pandemic, it was concluded that current and aspiring urban superintendents must be supported with the strategies to strengthen their leadership in times of crisis to best support their organizations.

Recommendations: Further research is recommended, to replicating this study with a broader population of superintendents, including women. It is recommended to include social justice in the five critical tasks of leadership, and that the aspiring urban superintendent academy prepares and supports in depth with crisis leadership and management strategies to build successful leaders.
