Dissertations from 2017
Identifying Effective Cybersecurity Team Behaviors In Order to Transform Cybersecurity, Afshin Sardaryzadeh
Exploring the Impostor Phenomenon's Behavioral Characteristics: How Do Gay Male Leaders and Impostors Cope?, Donald B. Scott
The 2015 Model Principal Supervisor Professional Standards: Transforming the Role of Principal Supervisors, Melanie Stringer
A Social Constructionist Inquiry Study on the Lived Experiences of Educators with Dyslexia Overcoming Workplace Barriers and Increasing Their Capacity for Success, Kathryn R. Taylor
Authentic Leadership Behaviors Contributing to Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Principals and Elementary Special Education Teachers, Penny M. Tharpe
A Delphi Study: Identifying Practices Used to Build Cohesive Teams in a Virtual Setting, Barbara Thiss
Leadership Practices That Create a Sustainable Collaborative Community, Regina Tillman
Finding Common Ground: Learning From Leaders Who Have Utilized Conflict Transformation Behaviors in the Mental Health Field in the United States, Tamarah E. Tilos
Improving Reading Achievement in High Poverty, Rural Schools, Janet Tufts
Meaning Makers: A Mixed-Method Case Study of Exemplary Police Chiefs and the Behaviors They Use to Create Personal and Organizational Meaning, Rose Nicole Villanueva
From War to Home: The Systematic Issues Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom Veterans Face Transitioning with PTSD, Tiffany D. Ware
Improving Special Education Outcomes through Policy, Teacher Practice, and Student Support: A Qualitative Study, Barbara J. Wolford
Chromebook Access and the Impact on Smarter Balanced Achievement Levels, Melissa Wood
The Impact of Female School Principals’ Leadership Traits on Teacher Morale in California CBEE Star Schools, Moira Zacharakis 8178731
Dissertations from 2016
School Connectedness, Language Acquisition and Academic Success: A Study of English Language Learners' Experiences at a Comprehensive High School, Philip M. Alfano
Emotional Intelligence: A Leader's Impact on Productivity in a Distribution Environment, Herbert Callahan
A Qualitative Study of Factors Promoting Doctoral Attainment of Second-generation Mexican American Males from California, Jorge Chavarin
The Role of the Secondary Principal as a Transformational Leader in High Performing, Project Based Learning Schools in California, Daniel P. Ching
Understanding Millennial, Generation X, and Baby Boomer Preferred Leadership Characteristics: Informing Today’s Leaders and Followers, Lee-Volker Cox
Sine Qua Non: Emotional Intelligence as the Key Ingredient to Effective Principal, Kelly P. Davids
A Qualitative Study Analysis on How Utilizing a Token Economy Impacts Behavior and Academic Success, Solomon DeFrancis Dr.
The Relationship of Communication Styles of Millennial Employees with the Communication Satisfaction and Perceptions of Communicator Competence of Their Supervisors, Edward R. De La Torre
The Impact of Principal Leadership Behaviors on the Efficacy of New and Experienced Schools to Watch-Taking Center Stage Middle School Teachers, Melanie A. Dopson
Labor Market Responsiveness of Washington Community & Technical Colleges, Erin Frasier
Common Leadership Responsibilities of Principals of Successful Turnaround Schools, Jezelle Fullwood
A Qualitative Study to Discover and Describe Common Ground Strategies Used by Exemplar Law Enforcement Leaders to Proactively Transform and Resolve Conflict as They Attempt to Shape the Future, Christopher M. Fuzie
Exploring the Strategic Implementation of Common Core State Standards in Small School Districts of Northern California, Michael A. Gulbransen Dr.
A Qualitative Study on How Washington State Mayors Transform Conflict, Darin Hand
The Impact of Coaching on the Leadership Practices of California Public School Superintendents, Michelle Harmeier Dr.
A Qualitative Exploration of the Workplace Culture of Women in Information Technology Careers, Andrea Hemphill-Merrills
Teachers' Perceptions of Mandated Curriculum: Common Core State Standards, Ruth Hirsch
Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy in Military Leaders, Kelly A. Hudson
Building Structure in a Land without Rules: A Delphi Study to Decipher the Best Avenues to Diminish Cyberbullying in a Middle School Setting, Dave A. Kline Dr.
Generational Learning Style Preferences Based on Computer-Based Healthcare Training, Michaelle H. Knight
Going from Breakdown to Breakthrough: Human Resource Professional's Perspective of Conflict in K-12 Public Education, Denise E. LaRue
The STEM Teacher Shortage: A Case Study on Recruitment and Retention in Two California Counties, Lily Lembo
A Look At Grit: Teachers Who Teach Students with Severe Disabilities, Donna Baker Martin
From the Voices of California Female Superintendents: Examining Barriers and Support Systems in a New Era of Educational Reform Through the Lens of Activity Theory, Jennifer L. Martin
A Case Study of the Challenges and Strategies of Rural School Superintendent/Principals in California, Christine McCormick
Recruiting Best Practices in Prospecting: Developing the Skills Necessary to Recruit an All-Volunteer Army—A Delphi Study., Jeremy E. McMullen Dr.
Implementation of the 4Cs of 21st Century Learning Skills within the Blended Coaching Model, Shannon M. Miller
The Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making Among Military Police Officers, Ricardo H. Miranda
How Knowledge of Accountable Care Organization Requirements Impact Ability to Meet Patients Needs in Southern California-based ACOs, Debra Moysychyn
An Ethnographic Study on Undergraduate Business Students’ Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Modeling in the Classroom, Dennis Nichols
A Mixed-Methods Study Examining Effective Practices for Increasing Secondary Student Enrollment in Career and Technology Education Courses, Richard E. Radcliffe Jr
A Case Study of Latino Immigrant Employment in the California Central Valley, Alfredo Saldivar
An Analysis of Transformational Leadership Skills of Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, and Information Technology Leaders in Relation to Their Job, Ramendra Singh Dr.
Examination of the Collaboration between Career Technical Education and Core Teachers in Linked Learning Pathways, Lucia M. Van Scyoc
Transforming to 21st Century Learning Environments: Best Practices Revealed through a Study of Exemplar Schools, Kelly S. Wilbert
Exploring the Perceptions of Leadership and the Effect on Employee Engagement, Lindsay Yossef
Dissertations from 2015
Waste Management in California Jails and Prisons, Antoinette D. Bland
Tactile Learning: Touch and Touch Self-Efficacy in College Dance Instruction, Alyson J. Cartagena
Assessment of Risk Factors and Mitigation to Adoption of the California Community College Online Education Initiative, Scott J. Conrad
A Delphi Study that Measures the Effects of Principal Tenure on School Culture at the High School Level, Dr. Patricia M. Custodio
Secondary Administrators' Perceptions of the Blended Coaching Model on Their Development as Transformational Leaders, Janine Ezaki
Identification of Employee Engagement Practices Viewed as Critical to Retention: A Cross-Generational Comparison, Sharon R. Floyd
Comparison of Beginning Teachers' and Experienced Teachers' readiness to IntegrateTechnology as Measured by TPACK Scores, Heather S. Fontanilla
Accountability Model for Alternative Education Settings, Victoria Ford
An Analysis of the Impact of Emotional Literacy Instruction on At-Risk Students, Shannon H. Garcia
Catalyzing Change: Identifying Action to Accelerate Collective Impact Progress in San Bernardino County, Stephanie Houston
Transforming Student Retention in Higher Education Online Programs in California Community Colleges: A Delphi Study, Felix A. Kalinski Jr
The Examination of Grit in California Superintendents, Jacqueline Kearns
A Delphi Study of an Effective State Assessment Method for Continuation High Schools, Edison L. Kelly
The Impact of Realignment on Property Crime: Perspectives of Chiefs of Police, Daniel S. Llorens
Qualitative Study of the United States Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment, Webster F. Nicholson Jr.
Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol as a Districtwide Professional Development Reform, Christina Portillo Dr.
A Qualitative Study on Effective Strategies for Building Positive Relationships in the AVID Classroom, Jennifer Ramos
Knowledge of Special Education Law Among Administrators in a Southern California Special Education Local Plan Area, Suruchi Singh
Parental Expectations and Perspectives as They Relate to Their Children with Special Education Needs (SEN) During Transition From Early Intervention/Preschool to Kindergarten, Arika Spencer-Brown
Building Career and Technical Education Capacity in California's Secondary Schools, Carol Tsushima
A Qualitative Exploration of Perspectives on the Management and Leadership Role of the Higher Education Registrar, Marlo J. Waters
A Mixed-Methods (Quantitative-Qualitative) Study to Identify the Perceived Level of, Zeky Zardo
Dissertations from 2014
A Delphi Study: Teachers’ Perceptions of Benefits, Prerequisites, Facilitators, and Barriers of Peer Observation for Professional Learning in Secondary Public Schools, Melissa R. Bazanos
Women Serving In Ground Combat, Raymond K. Hanna
Teacher Leadership: Developing the Ability of Teachers to Move Forward Independently—A Delphi Study of Selected Secondary Teachers in Riverside County, California, Marilyn M. Saucedo
California Community Colleges Child Development Laboratory Schools, Shari Yates