Date of Award

Summer 8-17-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Todd Burnett

Second Advisor

Edward Bush

Third Advisor

Tami Capellino


Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences and differences between African American male student athletes and African American male student nonathletes at California community colleges. Methodology: The methodology of this study is a qualitative phenomenological design to explore the lived experiences of African American males who are student athletes and those who are student nonathletes enrolled at three California community colleges. In depth and semistructured interviewing techniques were utilized to capture their stories. Findings: There were 9 major findings that emerged through the data collection and analysis. The findings showed that African American males who were low-income first generation college students experience challenges at California community colleges, African American male student athletes and African American male student nonathletes experience struggles, challenges, and hardships throughout their lives, friendships and peer relationships are important among African American male student athletes and African American male student nonathletes at California community colleges, African American male student athletes and African American male student nonathletes need informal faculty and staff relationships at California community colleges, and academic supports are important for African American male student athletes and African American male student nonathletes to persist at California community colleges. vii Conclusions: The conclusions highlighted that both African American male student athletes and African American male student nonathletes experience barriers and challenges at California community colleges. The conclusions showed that all African American males in this study need social support from faculty, staff, friends, and peers. The conclusions also showed that the African American males in this study need academic supports to experience success at California community colleges. Recommendations: Recommendations include connecting African American males with resources that will meet their basic needs while in college. It is also recommended that African American males be provided with mentors and systems of support that will assist in their success while attending California community colleges. Additionally, African American males need targeted academic supports throughout their enrollment in California community colleges.
