RE 02: A Critical Dissertation Task: Developing Your Interview Protocol and Conducting Interviews for a Qualitative Study *
Presenter Information
Dr. Jim Cox, Author of Your Opinion Please
Sanon B1/B2
Interviews are a common practice in many walks of life. We’ve all participated in several which suggests (because we are experienced) that we simply repeat the process for qualitative dissertation studies. Nothing could be further from the truth. A typical qualitative study has a limited number of subjects. Therefore, it is critical that the data we gather be as accurate, as rich, and as complete as we can get it. The goal of this session is to present a structured process, a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. that will guide you through the preparation, development, validation and use of the interview protocol. There will be a direct relationship between the quality of the interview process and the overall quality of your dissertation.
Session Handouts and PowerPoints
A-The Interview Brandman 2.pdf (238 kB)B-Feedback for Interviewer and Observer.docx (13 kB)
C-Field Test Interviewee feedback.docx (16 kB)
D-InterviewInstrument0615 Vilas.docx (20 kB)
RE 02: A Critical Dissertation Task: Developing Your Interview Protocol and Conducting Interviews for a Qualitative Study *
Sanon B1/B2
Interviews are a common practice in many walks of life. We’ve all participated in several which suggests (because we are experienced) that we simply repeat the process for qualitative dissertation studies. Nothing could be further from the truth. A typical qualitative study has a limited number of subjects. Therefore, it is critical that the data we gather be as accurate, as rich, and as complete as we can get it. The goal of this session is to present a structured process, a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. that will guide you through the preparation, development, validation and use of the interview protocol. There will be a direct relationship between the quality of the interview process and the overall quality of your dissertation.