RE 01: A Critical Dissertation Task: Developing Your Questionnaire for a Quantitative Study *

Presenter Information

Dr. Jim Cox, Author of Your Opinion Please


Sanon B1/B2


It is essential that the data you collect in order to answer your dissertation’s research questions be accurate. However, because the use of questionnaires to gather all sorts of data has become an almost daily occurrence (How did you like the service you received at your recent visit to the Apple store?), we seem to have lost sight of the difference between a good and a poor questionnaire. And wow, is there a difference! Jim’s session will present a step-by-step process for designing your questionnaire so you are confident your data will stand the test of excellence. Session content is based upon Jim’s and his wife, Keni’s, 2008 book, Your Opinion Please. Just remember, in the dissertation world, a bad instrument, gone unnoticed, results in an error that cannot be corrected. The result? You lose!





RE 01: A Critical Dissertation Task: Developing Your Questionnaire for a Quantitative Study *

Sanon B1/B2

It is essential that the data you collect in order to answer your dissertation’s research questions be accurate. However, because the use of questionnaires to gather all sorts of data has become an almost daily occurrence (How did you like the service you received at your recent visit to the Apple store?), we seem to have lost sight of the difference between a good and a poor questionnaire. And wow, is there a difference! Jim’s session will present a step-by-step process for designing your questionnaire so you are confident your data will stand the test of excellence. Session content is based upon Jim’s and his wife, Keni’s, 2008 book, Your Opinion Please. Just remember, in the dissertation world, a bad instrument, gone unnoticed, results in an error that cannot be corrected. The result? You lose!