Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Philip Pendley

Second Advisor

Jonathan Greenberg

Third Advisor

Perry Wiseman


The purpose of this study was to identify the most important actions for the implementation of the San Bernardino County Vison using a Collective Impact approach. Collective Impact is a structured approach to problem solving that includes the five core conditions of, common agenda, continuous improvement, shared measurement system, mutually reinforcing activities, and backbone functions. The Delphi technique was used to gather data, perceptions, and opinions from 16 cross-sector leaders identified as experts responsible for the implementation of the San Bernardino County Vision. Survey participants were identified as experts based upon their responsibility as cross-sector leaders engaged in the San Bernardino County Vision project. Based upon the data collected, the researcher was able to gain a depth of understanding and insight. A total of three rounds of questions were presented to the expert panel group. Given the gap in research on the topic of Collective Impact, the feedback between rounds also widened the knowledge of the experts and stimulated new ideas. The study produced descriptive data that demonstrated convergence of opinion regarding action. The study confirms there are high level influential champions focused on the initiative who are sharing and communicating to draw in more partners. Recommendations for action moving forward are specific to communication, increased cross-sector alignment of goals, addressing the geographic size of the county, and deepening the scope of participation in the vision to all levels of leadership. These recommendations will ensure clarity on how the work supports and includes all organizations and citizens in the region.
