Date of Award

Spring 3-3-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Keith Larick

Second Advisor

Dr. Cindy Petersen

Third Advisor

Dr. James Cox

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Patricia Clark White


The purpose of this thematic, mixed method case study was to identify and describe the behaviors that exemplary university presidents use to create personal and organizational meaning for themselves and their followers through character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration. Further, this study surveyed followers to assess the degree of importance followers believe a leader uses character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration to create personal and organizational meaning. This study was accomplished by interviewing exemplary university presidents regarding their perceptions of utilizing the strategies and behaviors associated with character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration. While there has been much research on character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration as leadership variables, there has yet to be a study conducted which looks at all five variables as strategies used by exemplary leaders to create meaning within the organization. By identifying and describing the extent to which university presidents use the behaviors of character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration to create meaning, best practices of these strategies may be able to be developed. The finding and literature support the use of these behaviors to develop meaning. The findings of this research show... Further research is advised for this area by repeating this study in other universities, including public and for-profit institutions. By identifying and describing the behaviors that exemplary university presidents use to create personal and organizational meaning for themselves and their followers and the degree of importance which followers perceive the behaviors through character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration, help to create personal and organizational meaning, researchers can provide tools for improving these variables in leaders to ensure success.
