"Benefits of Alternative Discipline Practices in Lieu of Exclusionary D" by mary andrews

Date of Award

Winter 11-22-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Jonathan Greenberg

Second Advisor

Robin Pierson

Third Advisor

TImothy McCarty


Benefits of Alternative Discipline Practices in Lieu of Exclusionary Discipline Practices

According to Exemplary Public-School Elementary Principals (K-5/6) in Merced County, California by Mary Binion Andrews

Purpose: The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to identify and describe the school-wide structural, academic, and social–emotional strategies exemplary elementary public-school principals (K-5/6) have found effective for addressing defiant and disruptive student behaviors.

Methodology: This phenomenological qualitative study identified and described 12 exemplary public-school elementary principals (K-5/6) in Merced County, California and their perceptions of alternative discipline practices used in lieu of exclusionary discipline practices. Respondents were purposively chosen based on specific criteria and recommends of an expert panel. The researcher interviewed the 12 participants and examined codes and themes in their replies.

Findings: Examination of phenomenological qualitative data from the 12 exemplary public-school elementary principals in this study indicated a variety of findings. First it was discovered that the need to build relationships with students was considered by the participants, to be more successful than adhering to a set disciplinary practice. The second discovery was that the importance of helping students identify the root of the issue, through the understanding of student history, participants felt was of much greater long-term value than focusing on a single incident.

Conclusions: The study supported the findings of the behavioral theorists cited in the literature review in that the significance of forming trusting relationships directly impacts student behavior.

Recommendations: Further research is recommended to determine to what extent allowing students time to deescalate and express their emotion aids in their emotional growth and wellbeing. It is further recommended that research is continued into best

practice relationship building methods with students of a variety of ages.
