Date of Award

Spring 4-17-2024

Document Type

Dissertation - University of Massachusetts Global access only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Timothy McCarty

Second Advisor

Dr. Marylou Wilson

Third Advisor

Dr. Diann Kitamura


Purpose: The purpose of this mixed methods case study was to identify the behaviors exemplary nonprofit executive directors use to create personal and organizational meaning for themselves and their followers through character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration. In addition, the purpose of this study was to determine the degree of importance the followers in nonprofit organizations perceive the behaviors related to character, vision, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration help create personal and organizational meaning.

Methodology: This mixed methods study obtained in-depth qualitative data through interviews with three exemplary executive directors in Sonoma, Napa, and Solano counties in nonprofit organizations. Following the qualitative interview process, quantitative online surveys were sent in English and Spanish to followers of the chosen exemplary organizations. The results of the qualitative interviews and the quantitative survey data were then compared for triangulation.

Findings: Careful examination of the data collected from the qualitative interviews yielded 440 total codes for the domains of vision, character, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration. Themes were identified and discussed for each of the five domains in the meaning maker study. Seven key findings were identified to represent how exemplary executive directors in nonprofit organizations create meaning.

Conclusions: The study supported the interconnectivity of the domains of vision, character, relationships, wisdom, and inspiration, and all characteristics were identified as important. It highlighted that a leader who could fluidly move from one domain to the other daily or in the event of an emergency was better prepared to head a nonprofit organization.

Recommendations: Further research is needed to add to the depth of research in the meaning makers study. A mixed methods case study examining larger nonprofit organizations; leaders who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning one’s gender identity or sexual orientation also referred to as LGBTQIA, male, Latino/Latina, and leaders of color would add to the depth and breadth of this research. Additional research on nonprofit organizations would shed light on exemplary leadership and its impacts on communities.
