Date of Award

Spring 4-29-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

George Giokaris

Second Advisor

Freddie Chavarria

Third Advisor

Joe Jaconette

Fourth Advisor

Patrick Ainsworth


Purpose: This phenomenological study aimed to discover and describe behaviors elementary school principals practiced while leading their schools through the turbulent times of COVID-19 using the leadership attributes of personal temperament, concern for collective interest, resilience, and moral purpose, as perceived by elementary school teachers. Methodology: This qualitative study used a phenomenological research design. Data were collected from interviews 12 with elementary school teachers in Monterey County to discover and describe behaviors their principals practiced in leading their schools through the turbulent times of COVID-19. Findings: The study revealed 16 themes related to behaviors elementary school principals used related to the leadership attributes of personal temperament, concern for collective interest, resilience, and moral purpose. From the themes, four major findings emerged: (1) effective personal temperaments including having a stable personality, remaining calm and collected, and being a positive and kind person; (2) collective interest was demonstrated by taking a school first approach, supporting teachers, and promoting wellness; (3) resilience was demonstrated by connecting with faculty and building relationships; and (4) moral purpose was promoted by an open-door policy. Conclusions: Based on the findings of the study and the literature, it was concluded that (1) personality determines leadership style, which influences teacher attitudes and school vi performance; (2) effective leaders focus on the needs of those they serve by being a servant leader; and (3) leadership is about showing up and being available when needed. Recommendations: The additional research is recommended: (1) replicate the study in other geographical areas (counties, states) and with diverse career populations; (2) conduct a quantitative study on the topic; (3) disseminate information about how personal attributes influence leadership; (4) examine how leadership attributes of personal temperament, concern for collective interest, resilience, and moral purpose can be improved through professional development; (5) study the types of questions about temperament, concern for collective interest, resilience, and moral purpose that are most useful in the principal hiring process; and (6) conduct a study on how superintendents impacted school principals via the leadership attributes of personal temperament, concern for collective interest, resilience, and moral purpose.
