Date of Award

Spring 4-10-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Lisbeth Johnson

Second Advisor

Barbara Bartels

Third Advisor

Kristin Baranski


Purpose: The purpose of this Delphi study was to identify what expert district-level administrative instructional leaders perceive as obstacles when implementing district-wide change initiatives to improve student achievement and well-being through a shared leadership approach, to rate the degree of importance of the identified obstacles, and to describe the most effective strategies to overcome the highest rated obstacles identified.

Methodology: This study used the Delphi methodology to collect data from expert district-level administrative instructional leaders through three rounds of survey questionnaires. The expert panel was selected through purposive, convenience, and expert nomination sampling methods. In Round 1, the expert panel was asked to identify obstacles for implementing district-wide change initiatives to improve student achievement and well-being through a shared leadership approach. In Round 2, experts rated the obstacles identified in Round 1 using a 6-point Likert scale. In Round 3, experts identified no more than three strategies that could be used to overcome the top three rated obstacles from Round 2.

Findings: In Round 1, the expert panel of district-level administrative instructional leaders identified 21 obstacles for implementing district-wide change initiatives. In Round 2, the panel rated the 21 obstacles and the top-three were identified. In Round 3, the panel provided strategies to overcome the top-three rated obstacles.

Conclusions: This study’s findings support the need for districts to consider obstacles district-level administrative instructional leaders face as they may impact the effectiveness of implementing a district-wide change initiative. To these leaders, districts need to provide multiple ongoing collaborative opportunities for them to build their capacity and develop as leaders. Districts need to develop a communication plan specific to the initiative. Districts should consider minimizing or eliminating initiatives that do not positively impact student achievement and well-being.

Recommendations: It is recommended to continue to explore the obstacles faced when implementing district-wide change initiatives to improve student achievement and well-being through a shared leadership approach with different populations of participants including principals and teacher leaders. It is recommended to look specifically at districts that are successfully implementing change initiatives and the strategies they use to overcome obstacles with district-level administrative instructional leaders.
