Date of Award

Spring 4-23-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Marilou Ryder

Second Advisor

Myrna Coté

Third Advisor

Jamie Crews


Purpose: The purpose of this mixed method study was to identify and describe self-sabotaging behaviors experienced by Millennial Latina nonprofit C-Suite leaders and explore the impact of these behaviors on their career development. A secondary purpose of this study was to identify strategies employed by Millennial Latina nonprofit leaders to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors.

Methodology: Employing a mixed method sequential explanatory design, the research involved eight Millennial Latina nonprofit leaders, utilizing convenience and snowball sampling. Data collection included electronic Likert scales to quantify self-sabotaging behaviors and interviews to explore lived experiences. Analysis sought to identify prevalent behaviors and strategies for overcoming them, guided by thematic analysis of interview transcripts.

Findings: The study highlighted a complex interplay of cultural and gender norms, with key behaviors including minimization of achievements and difficulties with assertiveness, driven by cultural expectations and broader societal dynamics. Participants demonstrated resilience, employing strategies like personal development, cultural pride, and community support. Significant themes included the impact of motherhood, language barriers, and reliance on support systems like religion and social media on professional experiences.

Conclusions: The research concluded that the Latino work ethic, while a strength, can foster self-sabotage through perfectionism. Challenges related to motherhood reveal societal gaps affecting working mothers, with language barriers affecting perceived credibility. Social media presents a nuanced role in professional networking and self-perception, amplifying feelings of inadequacy.

Recommendations: Eight recommendations were identified, including exploring self-sabotaging behaviors across various career stages and sectors, such as the impact on Latinas with different motherhood roles and the influence of social media and lack of intergenerational wealth. Additionally, extending the study to include diverse generational cohorts could offer comprehensive insights into mitigating self-sabotaging behaviors among women.
