Date of Award

Summer 6-1-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Timothy McCarty

Second Advisor

Keith Larick

Third Advisor

Dianna Kitamura


Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative multicase study was to describe the culturally intelligent leadership practices used by Latina superintendents based on Earley and Ang’s (2003) cultural intelligence scale. The four dimensions of cultural intelligence (CQ) are metacognition, cognition, motivation, and behavior.

Methodology: This phenomenological multicase study was conducted through interviews of four Latina superintendents of California public schools. The researcher selected a qualitative method because it would describe the culturally intelligent leadership practices based on Earley and Ang’s (2003) dimensions of CQ.

Findings: Close examination of data from interviews and artifacts yielded 221 frequencies for the four domains of CQ, and nine themes emerged regarding the superintendents’ lived experiences of leading with culturally intelligent practices while making cultural decisions. Five key findings were identified to represent how Latina superintendents used the four dimensions of CQ in their leadership.

Conclusions: The study supported the fact that the Latina superintendents exhibit the four dimensions of CQ (metacognition, cognition, motivation, and behavior) in their leadership when working in diverse districts to make cultural decisions. Latina superintendents exhibit the domains of CQ in their leadership (a) when they promote cultural proficiency through sharing their life experiences; (b) when they promote equity and inclusive school environment for all students; (c) when they identify core needs, build community, validate culture, and build connections between cultures; (d) when they share cultural experiences to motivate staff, students, and community; (e) and when they are approachable and respectful regardless of language.

Recommendations: Further research is recommended to replicate this qualitative multicase study expanding to other locations, other states with large populations of Latinx and minority students. Adding to the depth and breadth of this study would be to replicate with African American leadership. Further adding to the very limited research on Latina leadership, more research on Latina leadership and the use of other leadership practices to promote equity would establish greater depth. Moreover, expanding this multicase study to the lived experiences of school board members would add validity and strengthen the conclusions.
