Date of Award

Spring 4-11-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Cindy Petersen, Ed.D., Committee Chair

Second Advisor

Keith Larick, Ed.D., Committee Member

Third Advisor

Karen Bolton, Ed.D., Committee Member


Purpose: The purpose of this multiple-case study was to explore the experiences of post- 9/11 female combat veterans transitioning from military service to civilian careers, using the Schlossberg transition model factors of situation, self, social support, and strategies.

Methodology: This multiple-case study identified and interviewed post-9/11 female combat veterans transitioning from active-duty to civilian career. Respondents were purposively chosen based on specific criteria and expert panel recommendations.

Findings: Examination of case-study interview data and artifacts from the 3 post-9/11 female combat veterans indicated nine major findings:

1. The factor of situation clearly outweighed the other Schlossberg factors in impact.

2. Presentation and activities of transition resources were not effectively delivered.

3. The Transition Readiness Seminar failed to meet the needs of the veterans.

4. The veterans experienced a loss of culture and identity in transitioning.

5. Veterans were emotionally and psychologically unable to access and use the depth and breadth of material presented during the brief time frame of the transitional experience.

6. Veterans found relationships and mentors that were integral to the transition process.

7. Veterans utilized familial, professional, and community networks for their diverse support needs.

8. The veterans applied exemplary research skills and tenacious self-advocacy to progress through their transition experience.

9. Veterans who applied grit, resilience, personal fortitude, drive, and motivation were able to overcome and persevere despite the challenges inherent in the transition from military to civilian life.

Conclusions: Conclusions: Multiple conclusions were drawn, the top three follows:

1. Transitioning veterans who are not provided adequate physical and psychological support to address the aspects of their unique situational factors will not have the bandwidth necessary to process the transition workshop material.

2. The specific TRS coursework of entrepreneurship and education pathways promotes success in veterans transition to a civilian career.

3. The success of the transition experience was tied to veterans self-efficacy. Recommendations: Future research is recommended to further explore the transition experiences of female combat veterans in a variety of novel contexts and situations.

Recommendations: Future research is recommended to further explore the transition experiences of female combat veterans in a variety of novel contexts and situations.
