Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Guadalupe Solis

Second Advisor

Keith Larick

Third Advisor

Carlos Guzman


Purpose. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and describe the impact of instructional technology on lesson effectiveness and obstacles to incorporating instructional technology into lesson design as perceived by elementary school teachers.

Methodology. A qualitative ethnographic method was used in this study. Triangulation was accomplished through the collection and analysis of direct interviews, and artifacts shared by educators and strengthened by information-rich data provided in direct observations.

Findings: Major finding of the study showed high student engagement with the use of technology, and unavailability of the internet/Chromebooks as a big obstacle to technology integration.

Conclusions: Based on the major findings, conclusions were formed and implications for action were established. An important implication was for teachers to always have a back-up instructional plan in case the technology failed.

Recommendations: The recommendations for future studies were outlined in Chapter V. Recommendations for this study to be replicated to obtain administrators’ and students’ perspectives were also included.
