Date of Award

Spring 4-2-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Lisbeth Johnson, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Douglas DeVore, Ed.E.

Third Advisor

Irma Diaz-Martin, Ed.D.

Fourth Advisor

Patricia Clark-White, Ed.D.


Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to describe citizen perceptions of the impact of community policing in 2 selected, ethnically diverse, low-income communities that have national safety ratings between 0% and 25%. The study explored the 8 pillars of community policing: partnerships, problem solving, procedural fairness, proscribed scope, protection, professionalism, purpose, and principles and their impact on citizens’ perception of their local law enforcement agencies.

Methodology: The study was qualitative with a phenomenological approach to research.

Findings: Findings from this study revealed that examination of study participant interviews, observations, and artifacts resulted in 22 themes and 689 frequencies among the 8 pillars of community policing. Ten key findings were identified based on the frequency of references by study participants.

Conclusions: Citizens who participate in community policing training programs perceived their local police department more favorable than citizens who did not attend a training. They referenced positive themes more than participants who did not attend a training. The perception of police department personnel is mostly favorable when police officers have positive interactions with the public.

Recommendations: Further research should be expanded regarding the perception of community policing in more affluent communities. A second consideration is a study of citizens’ perception of law enforcement agencies that do not ethnically reflect the population they serve. Additional research for further considerations should be a compare and contrast study of the impact of community policing on the philosophy that encourages citizens to avoid crimes.


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