Date of Award

Winter 12-6-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Jeffrey Lee

Second Advisor

Dr. Alan Enomoto

Third Advisor

Dr. Tamerin Capellino



Transforming to 21st Century Learning Environments: Best Practices Revealed through a Study of Exemplar Schools

by Kelly Wilbert

As the world’s economy shifted from the Industrial age to the Knowledge age, the prerequisites of current and future careers also transformed. Trends revealed that students in school now are preparing for jobs that do not currently exist. Investigating strategies to meet the challenge of transforming instructional practices was a focus of this research. The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to identify and describe best practices used at elementary schools in California recognized as exemplary by the Partnership for 21st Century Learning. To support the essential research question, what are the best practices used in identified exemplary schools, data were collected from two identified exemplar elementary schools in the state of California through interviews, observations, and artifacts.

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