Date of Award

Spring 4-7-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Phil Pendley

Second Advisor

Chris Kueng

Third Advisor

LaFaye Platter


Purpose: The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine the differences in student academic achievement and student behavior prior to and after implementation of proactive community circles (PCC) in elementary schools in California that have implemented for a minimum of two years as measured by standardized test scores and student behavior records. The second purpose was to describe the impact of proactive community circles on student academic achievement and student behavior in elementary schools in California that have implemented proactive community circles for a minimum of two years as perceived by school administrators.

Methodology: The mixed method explanatory sequential design was selected for this study. The quantitative method was used to gather archived data on pre PCC and post PCC, academic achievement and suspension rates to determine if a difference exists. The qualitative method was used to gather data on how the site administrator felt that PCC has impacted their school. The researcher collected this qualitative data through in depth interviews.

Findings: Examination of the mixed methods research done of the three elementary schools that participated in this study indicate two findings. First that the regular use of PCC at the elementary level has a positive correlation on increased academic performance and student suspension rates. In addition site administrators also felt the PCC had a positive impact on student academic performance and student suspension rates.

Conclusions: Based on the findings from this study it is recommend that both districts and schools look into implementation of PCC. Districts should support the allocation of time and resources to the implementation of PCC. School site administrators should support staff implementation of PCC.

Recommendations: It is recommended that further studies be conducted at the elementary level. Future studies could look at the impact of PCC on chronic attendance rates, sustainability of social emotional learning of students into middle school and the impact of suspensions from the implementation of PCC on minority students.
