Date of Award

Spring 3-25-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Douglas DeVore

Second Advisor

Dr. Martinrex Kedziora

Third Advisor

Dr. Donald B. Scott


Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative case study was to identify and describe the use of transformational leadership traits to overcome resistance to change as perceived by general managers of gated golfing communities in Southern California’s Coachella Valley. A secondary purpose was to explore and describe generational cohorts’ resistance to change as perceived by general managers of gated golfing communities in Southern California’s Coachella Valley.

Methodology: This study utilized a qualitative case study research design comprised of semistructured open-ended interview questions to solicit and capture rich qualitative data regarding the use of transformational leadership traits while overcoming resistance to change involving community change initiatives. The population for the study consisted of general managers of Southern California’s Coachella Valley gated golfing communities.

Findings: The findings from this study suggest that transformational leadership is an efficacious leadership paradigm to overcome community resistance to change. Additionally, this study found that the homeowners’ association board of directors is influential in overcoming community resistance to change. Finally, this study found that changes in generational cohorts represent an area of concern for gated golfing communities that needs to be addressed to ensure the economic continuity of a given community.

Conclusions: The findings from this study led the researcher to conclude that transformational leadership is an efficacious means to overcome resistance to change to address changing generational cohort demographics within gated golfing communities. Utilizing transformational leadership, gated golfing communities are able to effect needed community change to ensure community economic viability.

Recommendations: The research should be replicated in other regions of the United States with a larger sample size. Another recommendation is to replicate this study within differing community structures to ascertain if differing levels of resistance to change exist in gated nongolfing communities compared to gated golfing communities. Finally, the researcher recommends that a study be conducted to evaluate the role and efficacy of emotional intelligence in overcoming resistance to change within the Generation X and millennial generational cohorts.
