Date of Award

Summer 7-23-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Phillip Pendley


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine how teachers with female principals at Campaign for Business and Education Excellence (CBEE) Star Schools in Contra Costa County, California (CA) rate their principals’ leadership skills, how they rate their own job satisfaction, and to determine if a relationship exists between the principals’ leadership skills and employee job satisfaction.

Methodology. The study employed a quantitative correlational research design using data from two instruments.

Findings. The sample size for this study was too small to generalize to a larger population; however, statistically significant relationships were found in the data. Mean scores indicated the teachers working with female principals rated their administrator as engaging in behaviors associated with transformational leadership, with the highest mean for the domain of Personal and Interpersonal Skills. Multiple scales on the leadership survey positively correlated with other scales; for example, Visionary Leadership was positively correlated with Communication, Problem-Solving, and Character/Integrity. In terms of employee engagement, teacher job satisfaction scores were highest for the Work Environment scale, followed closely by the Workplace Engagement and Relationship Management scales. Similarly, many of the scales were positively correlated with each other; for example, Career Development was positively correlated with Compensation, Workplace Engagement was positively correlated with Relationship Management and Work Environment. In comparing principal leadership skills and employee engagement, the data revealed both positive and negative correlations; for example, Compensation and Benefits were both negatively correlated with Personal/Interpersonal and Team Building, meaning teachers satisfied with their compensation and benefits rated their supervisors lower in terms of their personal/interpersonal skills and team building.

Conclusions. Teachers working with female principals in CBEE Star Schools highly rated the principals’ leadership skills. Teachers working with female principals at CBEE Star Schools highly rated their job satisfaction. Correlations between the employee ratings of female principals’ leadership skills and the employees’ self-ratings of job satisfaction were mixed, with both positive and negative correlations.
