Mini 04: Finding Your Story – The Intentional Use of Storytelling for Leaders *

Presenter Information

John Losey, Consultant/Facilitator, IntoWisdom Group, and Praxis Training


Salon F


“Data will convince people. Stories will move them to action.” Stories can be very entertaining. Effective communicators know that stories can do far more than just entertain. In this workshop we explore why stories can be so powerful, how different types of stories impact different ways, and where the stories come from. You will also get a chance to try a simple method to find and develop your own stories.


Thetas and Etas

Session Handouts and PowerPoints

Finding Your Story v1.pdf (13115 kB)
Telling Tales Denning.pdf (194 kB)



Mini 04: Finding Your Story – The Intentional Use of Storytelling for Leaders *

Salon F

“Data will convince people. Stories will move them to action.” Stories can be very entertaining. Effective communicators know that stories can do far more than just entertain. In this workshop we explore why stories can be so powerful, how different types of stories impact different ways, and where the stories come from. You will also get a chance to try a simple method to find and develop your own stories.