UMass Global ScholarWorks - Immersion: Networking Lunch

Networking Lunch

Presenter Information

Thetas and Etas Seating Mixed at Lunch


Catalina Ballroom

Start Date

1-9-2019 11:30 AM

End Date

1-9-2019 12:30 PM


Thetas and Etas will sit together at lunch and use scripted table conversation cards at each table to learn more about one another. Etas as the “senior” class will use this time to mentor new Thetas and answer important questions during this networking lunch. Share Business Cards, email addresses and “make a colleague for life”.


Thetas and Etas


Sep 1st, 11:30 AM Sep 1st, 12:30 PM

Networking Lunch

Catalina Ballroom

Thetas and Etas will sit together at lunch and use scripted table conversation cards at each table to learn more about one another. Etas as the “senior” class will use this time to mentor new Thetas and answer important questions during this networking lunch. Share Business Cards, email addresses and “make a colleague for life”.