Date of Award

Winter 11-28-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Philip Pendley

Second Advisor

Steve Kong

Third Advisor

Martinrex Kedziora


Purpose: This futures Delphi study aims to determine what experts in professional development predict the delivery and content of K-12 education and how K-12 educational organizations will need to structure themselves to deliver predicted professional development in 2026 and beyond. Also, the purpose was to have the experts rate the likelihood of the predictions made to be enacted by 2026 and beyond. Methodology: The research design for this study used a Delphi approach which allowed for data collection from a panel of experts in K-12 education leading professional development in a public school district. The Delphi study collected data during three rounds of electronic surveys. The electronic surveys contained open-ended questions in Round 1 and 3, while Round 2 included a Likert scale rating.

Findings: The initial round of data collection returned 26 predictions for professional development delivery and content, which then needed to be rated. Round 2 rated the likelihood of implementation for the top five delivery methods and top five content areas. Conclusion: The study had three major conclusions. The first was associated with the importance of providing differentiated professional development to all learners. The second conclusion indicated that professional development should be data driven. The final conclusion highlighted the importance of embedding instructional best practices in professional development.

Recommendation for Action: Nine total recommendations for future research are provided to advance the body of literature and knowledge around designing and delivering professional development in K-12 education districts.
