Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Keith Larick

Second Advisor

Dr. Myrna Cote

Third Advisor

Dr. Barbara Bartels


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the perceptions of high school assistant principals and high school counselors regarding the impact of cyberbullying on high school students in southern California. The study also sought to identify strategies and prevention programs essential to counteract cyberbullying as perceived by high school assistant principals and high school counselors.

Methodology. A qualitative methodology was used with data collected through interviews and review of artifacts. High school assistant principals and high school counselors voiced their perspectives and personal views relative to the strategies and prevention methods to counteract cyberbullying. The interviews and artifacts were coded and analyzed for common themes and patterns.

Findings. The findings revealed both high school assistant principals and high school counselors demonstrated efforts to counteract cyberbullying among current and future high school students to be better prepared for cyberbullying incidents. Both current and future students also need training in critical thinking processes that influence them to be resilient against cyberbullying.

Conclusions. The results of this study found school districts need assistance in designing leadership development strategies and support systems for students to counteract cyberbullying. Suicide prevention and resiliency training programs are also needed for students and to develop critical thinkers within the community.

Recommendations. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended school districts implement a conflict resolution training program, increase the level of consequences for students who cyberbully, offer resiliency classes for students and parents, increase collaboration between high school assistant principals and high school counselors, implement mandatory suicide prevention classes in school orientations and parent workshops, hold students accountable for their behavior, provide peer-led training intervention and prevention events, increase the awareness and knowledge of netiquette among high school students, and help parents develop a plan to effectively monitor their child’s cell phone and internet activities.
