As evolving transformational leaders Brandman doctoral students are often called upon to form teams within their organizations to solve difficult problems, often requiring creative solutions. To practice these skills Brandman Ed.D. students participate in an eight week Innovation Tournament as a fun and effective way to experience the entrepreneurial process, including seizing opportunities, leveraging limited resources, and bringing ideas to life. The Brandman. Innovation Tournament is modeled after other tournaments and challenges, such as Stanford’s Global Innovation Tournament. The key learning objective is to gain a deep understanding of what it’s like to create something significant out of almost nothing at all – a fundamental skill relevant to any career. This tournament shows that the spark of a great idea simply comes from looking at an ordinary object in an extraordinary way, an entrepreneurial way. Successful completion of the challenge requires creativity, teamwork, execution, and value creation. The Doctorate of Education in organizational leadership program is transformational for education, business, health care and government leaders and gives students the opportunity to practice entrepreneurship, build teamwork, leadership and creativity skills, and engage in friendly competition.


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